Legacy of the Dragonborn
Legacy of the Dragonborn
SSE Version

The Patio can be accessed either from the Upper Gallery of the Hall of Heroes (the door is located just above the main entrance) or from the Safehouse. Note that you can't access the Safehouse from the Patio until you got the Key from Auryen because the doors are key-locked.

Version 6 update2 There's a stairway to the right of the entrance to the Dragonborn Gallery that also leads up to the Patio.

At first the Patio is empty and provides just a view over Solitude and its harbor. After buying the two upgrades from Bits and Pieces in Solitude (Safehouse Patio Seating Receipt and Safehouse Patio Greenhouse Receipt), an awning with table and chairs as well as a greenhouse is added.

The awning is merely only a visual upgrade where you can sit on the patio and relax.

The greenhouse, however, features the regular Fertile Soil system that The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire provides. Here you can plant and harvest vegetables and ingredients.

Main Galleries Hall of Heroes Reception Hall and Staff Barracks
Curator's Office
Museum Storeroom
Upper Gallery Jewelry Display
Amulets of Skyrim Display
Dragonborn Hall
Hall of Secrets
Gallery of Natural Science Fossil Mining Room
Armory Display Rooms
East Exhibit Halls Daedric Exhibit Hall
Hall of Lost Empires
Hall of Oddities Skyrim's Unique Treasures Room
Skyrim's Unique Drinks Room
Great JarHunt Room
Wyrmstooth Room
Vigilant Room
Interesting NPCs Room
Additional Hearthfire Dolls Room
The Library Library 1st Floor
Library 2nd Floor
Library 3rd Floor
The Safehouse Living Room
Crafting Room
Kitchen Cheese Aging Room
Master Bedroom Bathing Room
Cloaks Dresser
Hidden Treasury
Safehouse Room A Follower's Room A
Safehouse Armory
Safehouse Teleporter
Safehouse Garden
Safehouse Room B Children's Room
Follower's Room B
Safehouse Armory
Safehouse Prison
Safehouse Study
Other Galleries Explorer's Society Guild House
Hall of Wonders
Dev Aveza