Legacy of the Dragonborn
Legacy of the Dragonborn

the three quests

Branching Out, Branching Out... Again and Branching Out... Even More lead each to a field station being build in the world.

Fieldstation main floor
Fieldstation basement

Each field-station comes with crafting stations, a bed and access to the safe house storage.

Saarthal Field station[]

Saarthal field station map

Saarthal station map

Saarthal field station oustide

Saarthal station outside

Between the Temple of Xrib and Saarthal Manned by Elriss

Fort Amol fieldstation[]

Fieldstation fort amol map

amol station on map

Just west of Fort Amol.

This Field-station is manned by Erincoth who also serves as a quartermaster.

Fort amol fieldstation outside

Amol outside
