Legacy of the Dragonborn
Legacy of the Dragonborn
LotD Version


Pelagius' Mind, accessed through the Pelagius Wing in the Blue Palace during the quest 'The Mind of Madness', on the table where Sheogorath sits.


  • If Saints & Seducers and its Creation Club Patch Hub patch are installed, this item will be disabled and replaced by the Sword of Jyggalag.
  • The model appears undersized, about the size of a dagger. When equipped or put on display it reverts to full size as a greatsword. However, if dropped, the model will still be undersized.
  • The display can take both the original and the replica.
  • You need to have the original in your inventory for the replica recipe to be available.


Made at the Replica Station in the Curator's Office with the following materials:


Pelagius' Mind
