Legacy of the Dragonborn
Legacy of the Dragonborn

Fate cards are a special type of collectable item introduced in Legacy of the Dragonborn. None of the cards are useful alone, but they can be combined into deck items that give the you special abilities. There is no card mini-game associated with the cards.

Like standard playing cards, each fate card has a rank and a suit. Standard playing cards use the 13 ranks (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace) and 4 suits (Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades), for a total of 52 different cards. Fate cards use the same 13 ranks, but there are 10 suits (Arms, Builders, Demons, Draconians, Fortune, Mystics, Shadows, Spiders, Travelers, Walls), for a total of 130 different cards.

If you collect all 13 cards of a single suit, you can combine them into a deck item of that suit. For example, combining 2-10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace of Builders will create the Deck of Builders item. You can combine cards into a deck by opening your inventory and clicking on one of the cards; you do not need to use a blacksmith's forge.

Powers granted by each deck[]

Deck of Arms Provides a +10 bonus to One Handed, Two Handed and Archery skills while in your inventory.
Deck of Builders Provides a +10 bonus to Alchemy, Smithing and Enchanting while in your inventory.
Deck of Demons While in your inventory, doubles Magicka and Stamina regeneration but hinders natural Health Regeneration.
Deck of Draconians While in your inventory, you gain the powerful Dragon's Rage destruction spell.
Deck of Fortune Provides a chance of regaining Health when you fall below 10 percent of your total Health. Buy and sell prices are also 10 percent better.
Deck of Mystics Provides a +10 bonus to Restoration and Destruction skills, and a +20 point bonus to Magicka while in your inventory.
Deck of Shadows Provides a +10 bonus to Sneak, Lockpicking and Pickpocket skills while in your inventory.
Deck of Spiders While in your inventory, provides a 10 percent chance of paralyzing and poisoning your foe when struck with a melee weapon.
Deck of Travelers Provides a +50 bonus to carry weight and 1 food item per day while in your inventory.
Deck of Walls Provides a +10 bonus to Light Armor, Heavy Armor and Block skills while in your inventory.

Finding, buying, selling, trading[]

Fate cards can be found in chests and other containers in dungeons, and cannot be purchased from most merchants. The only merchant who sells fate cards is Varicio the Collector, at the New Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm. He keeps an inventory of 4 cards to sell. General store owners and similar merchants will buy fate cards. Varicio will also allow you to trade any card for another card of the same rank in a different suit. You can get any of the 130 cards from Varicio in a trade, even if his inventory to sell is empty.

See also[]
