Legacy of the Dragonborn
Legacy of the Dragonborn

A male Wood Elf manning the Eastern Field Station and serving as a merchant. He shares his shop with Eriana, Egriss and Yolanda.


Shop Inventory (fixed items only)

Combat and Behavior Skills

[Show stats]
Stats at level 40
Health 505
Magicka 50
Stamina 180
One-Handed 43
Two-Handed 100
Archery 82
Block 72
Smithing 15
Heavy Armor 100
Light Armor 20
Pickpocket 20
Lockpicking 20
Sneak 20
Alchemy 20
Speech 15
Alteration 15
Conjuration 15
Destruction 15
Illusion 15
Restoration 15
Enchanting 15

