Legacy of the Dragonborn
Legacy of the Dragonborn

The Gallery Entrance area has a series of displays with seating if you wish to sit and look at them. The screenshot opposite is taken whilst standing at the entrance door. Immediately ahead is the Hall of Heroes and through a door on the left is The Library and to the right the Reception Hall. There are four achievement displays in the entrance area and positions for two Paintings.

Directly left of the entrance is a plaque that shows the current museum display count. The Curator's Guide can also be found here.

Thieves Guild Accomplishment Display

Thieves guild

Thieves Guild Display

Become the master of the Thieves Guild.

Dark Brotherhood Accomplishment Display

Either complete the Dark Brotherhood questline or destroy the Dark Brotherhood.

The Companions Accomplishment Display


Companions Display

Complete The Companions' questline.

College of Winterhold Accomplishment Display

Mages guild

Winterhold College Display

Become the Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold.


Entrance Paintings

A place for two Paintings.
