Can be purchased from the steward of the Jarl of Falkreath Hold (Falkreath) for 5000 after reaching level 9:
- If Siddgeir is Jarl, after completing Rare Gifts and Kill the Bandit Leader. Speak to Nenya afterwards.
- If Dengeir of Stuhn is made Jarl (must have sided with the Stormcloaks during the Civil War), after completing Kill the Bandit Leader. Speak to Tekla afterwards.
<Siddgeir/Dengeir>, Jarl of Falkreath, to <Player>, his loyal friend; grant of the steading of Lakeview Manor on the south shore of Lake Ilinalta, east of Falkreath.
Witnessed by <Nenya/Tekla>, steward to Jarl <Siddgeir/Dengeir>, <Date>
- Requires Legacy of the Dragonborn - Player Homes Displays for the display.
- In vanilla, the book is called Lakeview Manor Charter.