Legacy of the Dragonborn
Legacy of the Dragonborn
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Build an Explorer's Society outpost. Available after 'The Eye of Magnus'.


Gather 100 Lumber, 40 Quarried Stone, and 20 Clay[]

Collect all the materials, go to any Lumber Mill for the logs and mine up the Clay and Quarried Stone.

Build the Field Station[]

The location of the Field Station will be marked on the map. Travel there and use the supplies gathered and the crafting station to build the Field Station.

Return to Marassi[]

Travel back to the Explorer's Society and tell Marassi that the Field Station is built to complete the quest.

Quest Stages[]

Branching Out (DBM_ExplorerFieldStation01)
Stage Journal Entry
5 "Marassi has the idea to establish a number of Field Stations across Skyrim to act as safe houses and supply stops for explorers. I need to gather 100 lumber, 40 stone blocks, and 20 slabs of clay to build the first station, while he makes arrangements for two additional stations."

OR - If Trial of Trinimac is Completed

"Professor Marassi left notes describing his idea to establish a number of Field Stations across Skyrim to act as safe houses and supply stops for explorers. Auryen and I have taken it upon ourselves to finish what he started. I need to gather 100 lumber, 40 stone blocks, and 20 slabs of clay to build the first station. While he makes arrangements for two additional stations." Objective 5: Build the Northern Field Station

15 "Marassi has the idea to establish a number of field stations across Skyrim to act as safe houses and supply stops for explorers. I have built the Northern Field Station in Winterhold, I should now return to Marassi to let him know."

Objective 10: Return to Marassi

OR - If Trial of Trinimac is Completed

"Professor Marassi left notes describing his idea to establish a number of Field Stations across Skyrim to act as safe houses and supply stops for explorers. Auryen and I have taken it upon ourselves to finish what he started. I have now built the Northern Field Station in Winterhold and I should return to Auryen to let him know."

Objective 11: Return to Auryen

16 "Marassi has the idea to establish a number of field stations across Skyrim to act as safe houses and supply stops for explorers. I have built the Northern Field Station in Winterhold and should check back in with Marassi in a few days to see if we can build any more field stations."

--Complete Quest--

OR - If Trial of Trinimac is Completed

"Professor Marassi has the idea to establish a number of field stations across Skyrim to act as safe houses and supply stops for explorers - unfortunately he was killed before we could get started on this. I have built the Northern Field Station in Winterhold and should check back in with Auryen in a few days to see if we can build any more field stations."

--Complete Quest--

[Technical Stage - Registers for 72 hour update, once this is complete, the next Field Station Quest can be started]

20 [Technical Stage - once update returns, this stage is used to show quest completed]