Legacy of the Dragonborn
Legacy of the Dragonborn

A short quest to retrieve the Fists of Randagulf.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Find Auryen's Notes on the Fists of Randagulf in the Curator's Office and read them.
  2. Travel to the Blue Palace in Solitude.
  3. There are three ways to obtain the gloves:
    • Steal the gloves from the master locked display case in the corridor to the left of the throne room.
    • Bribe Falk Firebeard to let you have the gloves (3000 Gold).
    • Persuade him to let you have the gloves (Speech > 60 needed).


  • This is the only Auryen's Notes quest that provides a quest marker.
  • Before finding the Notes, the gloves can only be stolen since Falk Firebeard's dialogue options aren't available.

Quest Stages

Auryen's Notes: The Fists of Randagulf (DBM_AMJournalQST09)
Stage Journal Entry
0, 5 [Technical stages]
10 The journal entries in Auryen's latest journal reveal that the Fists of Randagulf, a famous Skyrim artifact, have been here in Solitude the entire time we've been working, but that the palace declines to allow him access to them. Perhaps I could persuade them or maybe liberate the gauntlets in the name of posterity?

Objective 10: Locate the Fists of Randagulf.

14 [Technical stage]
15 Bribed Falk Firebeard:
I've managed to procure the Fists of Randagulf by way of a generous "contribution" to the Stewart of Solitude.

[completes quest]

20 Stole the gauntlets:
I've managed to liberate the Fists of Randagulf from the Blue Palace in Solitude without their knowledge. I'll place the gauntlets in good care within the museum.

[completes quest]

29 [Technical stage]
30 Persuaded Falk Firebeard:
Through manner of persuasion I managed to get the stewart of Solitude to relinquish the Fists of Randagulf into the care of the museum for the sake of posterity.

[completes quest]
