Legacy of the Dragonborn
Legacy of the Dragonborn
Legacy of the Dragonborn
SSE Version

After reaching the necessary display count of 150, you can ask Auryen about "Anything new happening?". He will tell you about founding the Explorer's Society and wants you to build the Explorer's Society Guild House while he's working on the Explorer's Guild Charter.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Start work on building the Guild House.
    • Build the foundation.
    • Build the frame.
    • Build the roof.
  2. Let Auryen know the Guild House is built.
  3. Show Auryen the Guildhouse and discuss the charter.

Detailed Walkthrough

Auryen will set up a Carpenter's Workbench at the city wall to the right of the Museum entrance for building the Explorer's Society Guild House.
He will also point you towards Hjorunn at the Solitude Sawmill to buy some logs for a discount.

Start work on building the Guild House

The materials needed for each of the building stages are:

All of the other resources needed can be obtained without traveling too far from Solitude - Katla's Farm has a Quarried Stone Vein behind the goat pen, to the right of the Solitude Stables House, and a Clay Vein can be found along the shore a short distance from the Sawmill, traveling towards the Arch. As for Nails, they can be crafted from Iron Ingots (1 ingot produces 10 nails), which, if the player has somehow not found any while collecting artifacts, can be bought from Beirand and Bits and Pieces in Solitude - should the player opt to walk to the museum after fast traveling to Solitude as opposed to fast traveling to the Museum itself, they will pass both. In total, the player will need to buy 45 sawn logs, craft 50 nails and mine 15 stone and 10 clay, although if the player wishes to gather the materials for constructing the other Explorer's Guild Outposts in advance, they will need a total of 345 logs, 135 quarried stone, 70 clay, and 50 nails (300 additional logs, 120 additional stone, and 60 additional clay).

Let Auryen know the Guild House is built

Return to Auryen in the museum. After speaking he will follow you. Go inside the Guild House where he will explain about the charter he wrote and leave a list of candidates on the Archaeology Perk table. Reading the list starts the next quest 'Digging Up Explorers'.
Also pick up the copy of the Explorer's Guild Charter from the table for the display in the Explorer's Society Guild House.

Quest Stages

A Room with a View (DBM_ExplorerGuildHouse)
Stage Journal Entry

[Technical Stage - Startup]


"Auryen and I are establishing The Explorer's Society, a guild for explorers and archaeologists. He is beginning the Guild Charter and I am going to begin building the Guildhouse. Once I complete it, I should check back with him."

Objective 5: Start work on building the Guildhouse


"I've completed work on the new Guildhouse. I should check in with Auryen and see how he's coming on the charter."

Objective 10: Let Auryen know the Guildhouse is built


I'm going to show Auryen around the Guildhouse and we'll discuss the charter.

Objective 15: Show Auryen the Guildhouse and discuss the charter


[Technical Stage]


[Technical Stage]


I've shown Auryen the Guildhouse and we've reviewed the charter. He's given me some information on possible candidates for the Guild. Together we should be able to fill the ranks out nicely.

[Technical Stage - completes quest, starts Digging Up Explorers.]


[Technical Stage - overrides entire quest. Used in alternate start sequences.]
