Legacy of the Dragonborn
Legacy of the Dragonborn

The Moonpath to Elsweyr mod is fully integrated in Legacy of the Dragonborn for the Legendary Edition of Skyrim. Additionally, a few changes have been made to the original, such as balancing, bug fixes and some aesthetics. The original mod is not, however, compatible with legacy, due to the full integration and changes!

It is NOT recommended to switch between the original and legacy mid playthrough. While it can be done, this can also wreck your save-game.

Moonpath to Elsweyr is not integrated in the Skyrim Special Edition version of Legacy of the Dragonborn, but still supported. If you want to play through the mod in Special Edition, you need to download the SE version of Moonpath. This will enable you to play the questline as it occurs in Skyrim Classic. The reason for this separation, is because the SE version of Moonpath contains improvements absent from the integrated version of Legacy. To prevent two instances of the same mod co-existing, it is decided to remove Moonpath from Legacy of the Dragonborn.

The quest content in this mod can be very difficult if you are under-leveled and under-equipped.

Starting at 70 displays in the museum, Auryen will send you out to retrieve the Staff of Indarys. This will activate two quests in your log

  • By the Light of the Moon - The quest that brings you from Skyrim to Elsweyr. At the end of this quest, the player will receive access to the Hideout (a spacious player home), a return route to Skyrim, and access to new quests within Moonpath to Elsweyr.
  • The Sweet Taste of Elsweyr - During this quest, a number of side quests will be available. Some will reward displayable items for the museum, while others will drive the story forward.
  • Incursion - An overlapping quest spanning multiple areas within Moonpath to Elsweyr. Achieving certain quest stages will lead to other quests opening up.

Elsweyr static


After completing all of the Moonpath to Elsweyr quests, an Elsweyr Display will appear in the Dragonborn Hall, next to the Library door. An armor stand is available on the display for the Ancient Siligonder Chitin Armor.
